Kurush Mistry

Oil and Renewable Fuels Analyst

Kurush Mistry has extensive experience evaluating commodities, explicitly focusing on Crude Oil, Refined Products, and Renewable Fuels. Hailing from India, Kurush attended the leading business school in the country and has had a diverse career at esteemed organizations, navigating through significant changes. In addition to his professional accomplishments, Kurush has a deep love for music, enjoys exploring new places, and takes pride in being a resident of New York City. After acquiring a Commerce degree in Chennai, India, he became a Chartered Accountant and excelled in all three qualifying exams with distinction.

He then pursued an MBA in finance at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, where he broadened his understanding of the latest business concepts, collaborated with peers from various academic backgrounds, and honed his problem-solving and communication skills. After completing his MBA, Kurush's professional journey commenced in 2003 when he joined Lehman Brothers in Tokyo. He was handpicked to join their Interest Rate Strategies Team, which provided him with valuable experience in an international corporate setting and allowed him to utilize his financial expertise in real-world scenarios. In 2005, he relocated to Lehman in New York. He worked with their award-winning Interest Rate Strategies team until 2008, managing various products such as US Government Bonds and Interest Rate Derivatives.

He then pivoted to commodities research in 2009, joining Morgan Stanley as the desk analyst on their physical gasoline and diesel trading desk. During that role, he had a brief stint in trading, which has given him a unique perspective on his analytical work and enabled him to engage in insightful discussions with his trader clients. In 2014, Kurush joined Freepoint Commodities as the sole Oil analyst and has since significantly contributed to developing their global oil analytics framework, incorporating alternative data into analysis, particularly in the post-COVID era. From 2014 to 2023, he closely collaborated with more than 25 traders, providing them with market intelligence, supply-demand forecasts, and trade ideas for various products in the Oil industry, including crushed crude, LPG, gasoline, fuel oil, and refinery margins. Kurush has been based in New York since 2005 and feels at home in the bustling, diverse city, taking full advantage of its rich cultural opportunities.

Despite his hectic schedule, he finds solace in playing the guitar and listening to music. He also has a strong interest in non-fiction books, politics, and traveling, taking him to various destinations renowned for their history, culture, and natural beauty. Along with his professional achievements, Kurush is committed to giving back to the community. He actively supports several charities tackling hunger, refugees, legal aid, and the environment.
